LEAP Legacy: Every Child Counts

By December 17, 2015Blog, LEAP Stories, News, Zimbabwe

We need your help! LEAP Global Missions believes that every child counts, so much so that we have traveled 100,000 miles this year to reach children living in impoverished regions around the world who were in need of complex surgical care, primarily for craniofacial deformities. Often times, these children are shunned by their communities and hidden away by their families without options for needed medical and surgical care. At LEAP, we are thankful to have the opportunity to impact these children’s lives in a meaningful way.

IMG_4621Harare Children’s Hospital in Zimbabwe has been our host hospital for the past six years. It is the only pediatric hospital in all of Zimbabwe, serving a population of approximately 15 million with only two operating room suites. As of 2013, Harare Children’s Hospital had performed over 3,000 operations with a wait list of over 5,000 children. In 2014, elective surgical care was backlogged significantly with pediatricians scheduling surgeries up to the year 2018.

After prayerful consideration, LEAP sent funding for a third operating room suite. In May 2014, construction began with completion in July. When our team traveled to Harare in September 2015, we were able to utilize this beautiful new operating room and enlarged recovery room.

IMG_4701As a result of this third operating room, Harare Children’s Hospital has indicated the following improvements to their pediatric community:

  1. Improved Efficiency – The surgeons and nursing staff previously worked until midnight or 1 am to complete their daily surgeries. Now, surgeons and staff are usually able to complete a normal surgery day.
  1. Elective Operations – Normally scheduled surgeries would be postponed due to emergencies, creating a huge backlog. Now, elective operations are no longer stopped, and emergencies take place in the third operating room.
  1. Depleting The Backlog – As surgeons are able to plan and not be ‘waiting’ for an available operating room, they can now schedule and execute all pending surgeries.

IMG_1564 copyIn 2013, a total of 1,110 pediatric surgeries were performed with two operating rooms. In the following year, an additional 400 surgeries were completed in the second half of the year, following the opening of the third operating room in July. In 2015, an estimated 2,000 total pediatric surgeries will have been performed by end of year!

This third operating room allows for many thousands of children to receive their needed surgeries much earlier. Over time, this eternal gift will continue to benefit countless children over many generations. There is truly no better way for us to invest in our global future!

Dr. Hobar's hearty handshakeWithout your generous support, LEAP could not have the same impact on these children, their families, and those living within their community. We hope that you will consider helping to financially support our mission again this year so that these children will continue to benefit. As you prayerfully consider your donation, we ask that you also consider making a monthly donation.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  – Matthew 6:21