Blessed Are The Children in Thy Tender Care

As you know, LEAP has announced plans to help build a new Pediatric Ward at our host hospital, Hôpital Espoir, in Port-au-Prince. With the help of our incredible volunteers Pat and Janet Ortega, the planning phases of the ward are complete, a volunteer team of professional trades is assembled, and after two trips already to Haiti, supplies are sourced and partially purchased. The hospital has already been working hard to prepare the space. Our construction team, led by Pat and Janet, will travel to Haiti in September to spend 16 days completing the Pediatric Ward.

This Pediatric Ward will add an additional 2,000 square feet to the hospital, which will include one nursing station, nine pediatric patient rooms, seven restrooms with showers, and a waiting area. The estimated cost per room is approximately $6,500.00 with a restroom and much needed air conditioning. If there is an interest in donating a room on the Pediatric Ward, a plaque honoring the donor can be provided in recognition of their generous donation.

We are continuing efforts to raise monies to meet the $50,000 budget that will fund this project. You can donate online at and designate to the Haiti Hospital campaign. Please consider helping us provide an eternal gift of restoring health to the beautiful children of Haiti.Pedi Ward Construction5