If You Build It, They Will Come

By October 16, 2017Blog, Haiti, LEAP Stories, News

_U6A4734It’s been a year since LEAP built an extended Emergency Room and Outpatient Clinic at our partner hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. We asked Gladys Thomas, CEO of Hopital Espoir, how many patients have been served through this major expansion project.

We are beyond pleased to report the following:

  • Since opening in Nov. 2016, the Outpatient Clinic has served 23,626 patients
  • Since Jan. 2017, the Emergency Room has received 3,095 patients
  • The new Operating Room has had 55 surgeries since opening in April 2017

IMG_4703Each person served through these new facilities would likely not have been seen at all or been placed on an extensive waitlist.

We are grateful to Ellen and Clayton Kershaw, who funded the project, as well as to Janet and Pat Ortega, who led the construction effort.

We pray that the project will be able to serve countless others over the years, and we celebrate the efforts of the medical professionals who have brought life to the facilities to bring about this already impressive impact.