Many of you are well familiar with the spiritual song “Kumbaya”, which has been sung in many forums, including churches, scouting events, and around a great many campfires since the 1920’s. The song is a simple appeal to God to come and help those in need. “Kumbaya” translates to “Come Be Here” or “Come By Here”. The song shows that in all things of daily life, whether praying, laughing, crying, or singing, we share in our humanity together.
Through our three programs at LEAP, Mission, Landmark and International Disaster Relief, we serve hundreds of patients every year, each with a tremendous surgical need that is given freely. It takes a lot for an organization to support such endeavors on a global scale, so we would like to offer you opportunities to come be here, to work alongside us to help those with a great need.
We have three great events this year, and planning has already begun for each. We would love your help on a working committee, so if you have an interest in volunteering, please contact us. Working committees provide a wonderful opportunity in which to get to know one another better. Come be with us, helping those in need.
Please call Ashley at (972) 566-6550 or e-mail her at