What a Difference a Year Makes by Melissa Howell, NP

IMG_0795For me, the Zimbabwe 2016 trip was a huge accomplishment.  It was a testimony of God’s faith and healing powers.

Two days after I returned from the Zimbabwe 2015 trip, my life was forever changed. I was in a horrible accident and was not expected to make it. Along with a severe traumatic brain injury, multiple blood transfusions, CPR, life support, and amnesia for over 2 weeks, my outlook was not good. I spent three months in intense therapy learning to do things like walk and read again.

I don’t remember saying this, but early in my recovery, I apparently shared that my goal was to get well so that I could be part of the LEAP trip to Zimbabwe this year.

As I returned home with this goal fulfilled—fully back to normal by God’s power—I was overcome with emotion. How gracious our Lord is that my life was spared! It is for Him and because of Him that I serve with a passion for others.

Colossians 3:23: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as for the Lord and not for men.

 Melissa Howell is a nurse practitioner based in Dallas who has traveled with LEAP on six surgical mission trips.  

Melissa is pictured here with Mutsa, an eleven-year-old girl who is working her way back to wholeness–something Melissa understands at a deep level following her own recovery from a nearly fatal accident. We are thankful for volunteers like her who not only share their medical skills but also their strong and loving spirits in the face of adversity.