Haiti: Never Forgotten

haiti-2010-earthquake-dr-hobarThis week marks the 4th anniversary of the earthquake that devastated Haiti in January of 2010. Dr. Hobar and LEAP responded to the cries of thousands in Haiti who had been trapped and maimed by the earthquake. He dropped everything to go and meet the extreme needs of the people there. As Dr. Hobar had received part of his medical training in the neighboring Dominican Republic, he felt comfortable to help.

Not only were his surgical skills in high demand, but his leadership and coordinating capabilities were called into action as well. Through the efforts of Dr. Hobar and other team members, LEAP created organization amidst chaos and coordinated relief efforts of medical volunteers who flooded in from all over the world. In fact, LEAP’s medical expertise and leadership were so helpful in Haiti that the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS) asked LEAP to partner with them in implementing the current ISAPS-LEAP Surgical Relief Teams© program.

Since LEAP is committed to excellence in follow up care, many subsequent trips have been made to Haiti. We plan on having a lasting presence there as Haiti continues to heal and rebuild after the devastation.