Our medical volunteers give their time, talent, and services to help people around the world receive the specialized surgical and medical care they need. They frequently sacrifice vacation time and…
Through our Mission Program, our teams of highly-skilled volunteer medical professionals travel to other countries to provide specialized surgical and medical care at no cost to our patients and their families.
Children with facial conditions like cleft lip and palate are often shunned by their communities with no hope for a productive future. They have no access to quality medical care in their own countries and no resources to pay for the surgical procedures required. Our free surgical services empower them to return to their communities as welcomed, participating members.
LEAP is committed to developing long-term relationships with our patients, their communities, and other partners involved in our missions.
By returning to the same countries, we are able to build trust, offer ongoing education, and continue caring for those who need long-term medical services.
It is our prayer that LEAP’s devotion and service to our patients is seen as an example of the selfless love of Christ.
If you are interested in financially supporting our missions, please visit our Donate page.