A mission trip provides an opportunity for a renewed perspective of service to others and a strengthening of your core values. Take time to appreciate the blessings of being on such an extraordinary trip with exemplary professionals who have a heart for mission work. This is such a rare opportunity that is truly transformative in countless, deeply meaningful ways. Seeds are planted, hope grows, and love endures. 

In order to ensure a positive experience for all, each team member must read and agree to abide by the code of conduct below.

I understand it is a privilege to serve on a team with LEAP Global Missions, and my signature on this form certifies that in my capacity as a LEAP mission team member I will

  1. Conduct myself according to the highest standards of integrity and exemplify a positive, considerate, and professional demeanor to all individuals I encounter.
  2. Treat individual team members, our host country representatives, patients, hospital staff, and all others with the greatest respect and kindness.
  3. Demonstrate my faith through loving action.
  4. Demonstrate a flexible attitude and a willingness to work as a team, placing my own personal wants aside to be a valuable team member and a servant to those in need in our host country. Offer to help others, and be willing to ask for help whenever needed. 
  5. Remember that we are guests working at the invitation of our hosts. Refrain from criticizing, complaining, or making comments related to personal preferences, food, accommodations, etc. Always demonstrate respect for the region’s culture, religious preferences, and political views. Act with sensitivity, tolerance, respect, and impartiality toward our global partners and those we are there to serve. 
  6. Understand that travel can present unexpected circumstances, despite great efforts to be fully prepared. I will be patient and supportive while we work through any presenting issues.
  7. Acknowledge safety and quality of care are responsibilities of all team members. If I have concerns or see anything that needs to be addressed, I will inform a LEAP staff member as soon as possible. An issue cannot be addressed if leadership is not aware of it. If it is a medical issue, I will inform LEAP staff and the team medical leader immediately. 
  8. Agree to read, become familiar with, and follow the policy for possible exposure to blood borne pathogens.
  9. Will be responsible with the use of medical supplies and equipment. 
  10.  Affirm that drinking on mission trips should be done on a limited basis. If I am assigned to be on call, I will not drink. If I am contacted about a patient and I have had a drink previously in the evening, I will inform LEAP staff. LEAP does not pay for team members’ alcoholic beverages.
  11. Abstain from the use of tobacco, tobacco products, and drugs and from using inappropriate, derogatory, disrespectful, or foul language. 
  12. Understand the team stays together, including departing and returning to the hotel together and while on excursions. Some unique situations may arise and will be communicated accordingly. Make sure I have a buddy or someone who knows where I am at all times. I will not leave the group or wander off alone at any time.
  13. Be respectful of sleeping arrangements to provide a quiet environment for adequate rest during the mission.
  14. Be careful about giving out my personal information. If anyone outside the team asks for money or personal contact information, I will inform the LEAP staff.
  15. Be mindful to ask others who may be in need of help, a break, a meal, or a prayer. I will be mindful of team members unable to eat at regular meal times and save food for them to have later. 
Trip Code of Conduct Form