Plano Facial Plastic Surgeon and Otolaryngologist Dr. Steve Orten was part of our Haiti Team just a few short weeks ago. New to LEAP Global Missions, Dr. Orten worked beside our most seasoned medical volunteers. While we are quite accustomed to working with very dedicated humanitarian medical providers at LEAP, it really takes a very special person to be willing to travel and work in the medical mission field. All healthcare providers who share their medical talents in this way should be commended for their selfless mission efforts.
After his mission work, Dr. Orten shared with us, “It was truly a joy getting outside of oneself, working as a team, mutually encouraging one another, and helping others with no expectations in return. This is what adds meaning and purpose to your life and the life of others. The Love and Good Will was evident in how team members worked with one another, played with children, rendered care and compassion, and enjoyed one another at the end of the day. The daily Devotions helped focus our minds and hearts each morning to the Ultimate source of Goodness in God from which we get our motivation and sustenance for Missions like this. I believe God was honored, children were blessed, and we were inspired to greater purpose and service in and through the Love of Jesus. What a Blessing! I have personally been inspired to want to learn, grow, and give more to be a greater blessing to others in the future.”
Welcome to LEAP, Dr. Orten, and thank you for blessing us and our mission of service to these beautiful children in the world. We will look forward to your traveling with us again!