Spend two minutes in a room with Danny, and you have fallen in love with him. He has an incredible joy and spirit that simply melts your heart. Much has been happening with our sweet boy Danny while he has been here, now almost one month.
Danny has had several hours of surgery performed by Dr. Craig Hobar and Dr. Grant Gilliland over two separate hospitalizations at Medical City Children’s Hospital. Danny has done wonderfully and is making great progress, all because of the love shared by his physicians, his blessed host family Martin and Brittan Rojas, the many healthcare providers at Medical City, and those of you who have made Danny’s stay more comfortable. A great big thank you to Chloe and Catherine, liaisons for the orphanage in China and Canada, who have helped Danny during both of his surgeries.
On Monday, Danny will start school with a primary teacher who speaks Mandarin Chinese. Danny is so smart and inquisitive; school will be exciting and stimulating for him. He is also working with a speech therapist to help him learn how to speak after his cleft palate repair. So many daily wonderful blessings happening for this young man and those of you are part of Danny’s journey. Go, Team Danny!