Raj is a 7-month-old sweet baby with a bilateral cleft lip who came to be evaluated by the LEAP team with his mother, father and sisters. Raj also has Down’s Syndrome, and while our surgeons were eager to put him on the surgery schedule, they also wanted to confirm that this special child was healthy enough to undergo surgery. Since heart issues are often associated with Down’s Syndrome, they needed to rule out a possible congenital heart condition. Fortunately, the Mission Hospital was able to perform the needed echocardiogram, and no abnormalities were found with little Raj’s heart.
Dr. Craig Hobar placed Raj on his surgery schedule, asking our most skilled and talented pediatric anesthesiologist, Dr. Latha Kampalath, to provide his anesthesia. Raj underwent surgery without any problems; and after recovering for several hours under the watchful care of our recovery room nurses, Raj was admitted to the hospital’s ward.
Later in the day, Abhineeta Matney, daughter to Dr. Lall, our incredible host, was able to spend time with Raj’s parents. They shared how grateful they were for Raj’s surgery, then began inquiring about LEAP and our mission. Because of their open hearts and interest in our work, Abhineeta then shared with them about God’s love for them and their child and how this was the motivation for the LEAP team to travel to India to provide free surgical care to as many children as possible. Afterward, phone numbers were exchanged and a prayer shared with this beautiful family, asking for blessings upon them and their sweet child, Raj.
Our hearts are full from this shared moment of grace. We were so blessed by the spirit of this child and his family that we wanted to share it with you on this spectacular day, Sunday, the day the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice in it!