The holiday season has nearly arrived along with the much cooler weather. There are so many wonderful things that make this time of year beautifully special. At the LEAP Foundation, we wanted to share some of the many things that we are thankful for as we draw ever near to Thanksgiving:
Our incredible volunteers! We are blessed by our tenured volunteers and the many who are new to LEAP this year. You are all so special to our hearts for helping us to bless others in the world through our mission and international relief programs. Your talents and compassion are what gifts others in the world so greatly.
The many patients and families with whom we have had the honor and privilege of helping and sharing love with in the mission fields across the globe. You are the reason we plan and work so hard every day.
Our many partners within the local and global communities. You help us greatly to benefit others, and we couldn’t have the outreach that we do without your faithful and continued support.
Our donors and supporters, who have the most generous hearts! You are the reason that we can bring children to the United States for much needed surgical care, that we can fund an operating room in Zimbabwe and a Pediatric Ward in Haiti. These gifts benefit our future generations to come, along with our continued efforts to reach those in need, which this year included patients in Belize, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, India, Jordan, and Zimbabwe.
Our LEAP kids who have helped raise funds so that other children may benefit. You are our sweetest of angels; thank you!
The many youth who have helped us in countless ways. We are thankful for all that you do to help further our mission. Not only do you bless our patients, but you commit yourself to serving others here at home in a variety of ways. You are amazing!
We are blessed to have a wonderful and dedicated Board of Directors and staff, led by Dr. Craig Hobar, who are passionate about LEAP’s mission and service to others. We all enjoy working hard together to continue to find ways to spread love, hope, and healing to those in need. We get the benefit of witnessing miracles happen every day!
Thank you to our LEAP family. You have made this year an amazingly beautiful year that simply cannot be captured in words, only in hearts.