Meet Williams, a 10-year-old boy with bilateral microtia from our recent Mexico mission. Williams, his mother, and two of his teachers traveled 9 hours from the State of Morelos to Zihuatanejo in the State of Guerrero, so that he could undergo his first stage of microtia surgery on one ear.
Williams’ parents are hard workers. His father is a bricklayer, and his mother is a maid in a local hotel. This family would not be able to afford the travel and accommodations for surgery on their own. Luckily, Williams’ school and community came together and raised the necessary funds.
Because Williams has bilateral microtia, he will require two additional surgeries on his right ear and three surgeries on his left ear in the coming years. Please be a part of Williams’ US community by donating towards his surgical care. When you make your donation, please indicate “for Williams” under “Additional Notes”.